US Solar Power: Buckle Up, America! 2023 Set to Break Solar Records with 30+ GW Power!


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US solar power 2023

In some big news for the US solar power scene, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Wood Mackenzie just dropped a report that’s got everyone buzzing about 2023. This report, called “US Solar Market Insight Q3 2023,” is like a crystal ball predicting that the US solar world is about to blow up with an epic 32 gigawatts (GW) of fresh solar power this year – that’s a whopping 52% more than 2022!

Beating the Odds

Solar in the US has been through the wringer lately, thanks to COVID-19 messing with supply chains and tricky trade rules. But guess what? Those hurdles are slowly fading away. Plus, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), things are looking even brighter. Wood Mackenzie says we’ll go from 153 GW of solar power today to a jaw-dropping 375 GW by 2028!

The U.S. Shines Globally

Abigail Ross Hopper, SEIA President and CEO, is proudly waving the U.S. flag in the global green energy parade. States like Florida, Texas, Ohio, and Georgia are not just leading the charge in clean energy; they’re also creating jobs and boosting the economy. Hopper says private investors are all in, and there’s still a ton of potential left untapped.

Making Solar Great Again

The key to solving supply chain issues? Domestic manufacturing to the rescue! If things go as planned, the report says the US could be making ten times more solar panels by 2026.

Bright Spots in Solar

Let’s talk about Q2. Utility-scale and residential solar had a field day, adding 3.3 GW and 1.8 GW, respectively. The residential gang even had their best quarter ever, partly because folks in California rushed to install solar panels before the rules changed.

Commercial Solar Stays Tough

Q2 wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for commercial solar. There were hiccups like project delays and IRS tax credit questions. But some states with high energy prices are keeping the demand alive. The commercial solar crew is expected to grow by 11% this year.

Florida Takes the Crown

Florida is showing off in the 2023 solar showdown. They’ve added a mind-blowing 2.5 GW of new solar power in just six months! That’s a huge 52% more than California, who usually leads the pack. Florida has already outshone its previous yearly records.

In a Nutshell: US Solar Power 2023

This report is all about how the US solar game is about to level up in 2023. Challenges are melting away, and opportunities are popping up left and right. With historic solar installations on the horizon, the future of energy in the U.S. looks cleaner and brighter than ever.

About SEIA

SEIA is like the superhero of solar energy. They’re on a mission to make solar power 30% of the electricity the U.S. uses by 2030. They team up with 1,000 companies and other cool partners to fight for jobs, fair competition, and affordable solar power. They’ve been doing this since 1974, and you can learn more about them at

Final Thoughts

2023 could be the year that changes everything in the U.S. solar scene. With record-breaking installations and a brighter future, solar power is ready to take the lead in clean, sustainable energy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – 2023 U.S. Solar Boom

Q: Why is the “US Solar Market Insight Q3 2023” report a big deal?

Ans: The “US Solar Market Insight Q3 2023” report is like a crystal ball for solar news. It says 2023 will be HUGE for solar in the U.S. We’re talking more than 30 gigawatts (GW) of new solar power, which is 52% more than last year!

Q: What troubles has the U.S. solar gang been facing, and are they fixing them?

Ans: Solar folks had a tough time with supply chains because of COVID-19 and trade issues. But guess what? Those problems are getting smaller. And the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is coming to save the day and help things grow.

Q: What’s the future looking like for U.S. solar power?

Ans: Brace yourself for some serious solar growth. We’re going from 153 GW of solar power today to a massive 375 GW by 2028! That’s a big leap for clean and green energy.

Q: Which states are rocking the solar scene?

Ans: Florida, Texas, Ohio, and Georgia are like the superheroes of clean energy, they’re not just making green power; they’re also creating jobs and boosting the economy. Private investors are loving these states, and there’s still plenty of potential left to tap into.

Q: What’s the plan for commercial solar in 2023?

Ans: Even though commercial solar had some bumps in Q2, it’s still growing strong. Despite project delays and tax questions from the IRA, some states with high energy prices are keeping the demand alive. Commercial solar is expected to grow by 11% this year.

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