G20 Summit 2023: Tripling Global Renewable Energy by 2030


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g20 summit 2023

G20 Summit 2023

Guess what? In G20 Summit 2023, the G20 leaders got together in New Delhi and made a big promise. They said they’re gonna triple the world’s renewable energy power. But wait, there’s more! The USA and some other nations came up with this super-duper plan for trade and energy stuff.

G20 Countries Fossil Fuel Plan

Now, here’s the twist: these G20 Countries didn’t commit to dumping all fossil fuels like the G7 suggested. Nope, they just repeated their old plan to slowly cut down on coal, nothing drastic.

Lisa Fisher from the E3G green club wasn’t too thrilled. She said, “It’s a bummer that a few blockers stopped the G20 from going all-in on the no-fossil-fuels idea.”

G20 Summit India

This summit in India happened right after the UN dropped a report saying we’re not doing enough to keep the planet from getting too hot, like 1.5°C hot.

But get this, previous G20 meetings were full of fights, so this promise to triple the renewable energy stuff is kind of a big deal.

Guess who’s on board with this plan? The United Arab Emirates! They’re hosting the UN’s COP28 climate meeting later this year, and now they’ve got the G20’s blessing for their idea.

But hold on, these G20 leaders didn’t want to talk too loudly about ditching those fossil fuel handouts. They just said they’re cool with slowly getting rid of the wasteful ones.

On a brighter note, the African Union got invited to join the G20 club. And they all agreed that we need a whopping $6 trillion to help poor countries fight climate change before 2030. They also promised to make up for any climate-related damage in those countries.

IMEC 2023

Now, let’s talk about something cool on the side. The USA, Europe, India, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and a few others came up with this epic plan. It’s all about connecting India, the Middle East, and Europe (IMEC) with awesome transportation and energy stuff.

They signed a fancy agreement in New Delhi. They’re gonna make it easier to move stuff around these places, like trains, ships, electricity, and even hydrogen.

This plan also has a fun twist – they want to build links between Saudi Arabia and Israel, who aren’t exactly best friends right now.

G20 Biden response

The U.S. President, Joe Biden, said this plan isn’t about hurting or helping China. But let’s be real, it looks like a response to China’s Belt and Road project.

This announcement kind of overshadowed the news that the Brics group (that’s Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) just got bigger with Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE joining in.

The White House spilled the beans about the plan. They want to create a reliable and cheap way to move stuff between countries. They’re talking about laying down cables for power and the internet, plus pipes for clean hydrogen.

And just so you know, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are thinking about turning hydrogen into ammonia for export. They’re not so keen on sending it through pipes.

G20 Countries List 2023

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the UK, and the US.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – G20 Summit 2023 and Imec initiative

Q: What is the G20 summit, and what happened at the recent meeting in New Delhi?

Answer: The G20 summit is a gathering of leaders from the world’s largest economies. At the recent meeting in New Delhi, the G20 nations made a significant commitment to triple global renewable energy capacity.

Q: What is the significance of tripling global renewable energy capacity?

Answer: Tripling global renewable energy capacity is a crucial step in combating climate change and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. It demonstrates a commitment to transitioning to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.

Q: Did the G20 nations agree to phase out fossil fuels entirely?

Answer: No, the G20 nations did not agree to phase out fossil fuels entirely. Instead, they reiterated their previous goal of “phasing down” unabated burning of coal.

Q: Why didn’t the G20 commit to completely phasing out fossil fuels like the G7?

Answer: The G20’s decision not to commit to complete fossil fuel phase-out may have been influenced by differing opinions and the need to find a consensus among its member nations.

Q: What prompted the G20’s commitment to renewable energy, and why is it seen as progress?

Answer: The commitment to renewable energy was prompted by a UN report stating that the world is not doing enough to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. It is seen as progress because the G20 has historically faced divisions on climate-related issues.

Q: Did the G20 countries address fossil fuel subsidies at the summit?

Answer: The G20 leaders did not take a strong stance against fossil fuel subsidies at the summit. They simply reiterated their support for policies to phase out “inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.”

Q: What is the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (Imec) initiative, and who is involved?

Answer: Imec is a proposed transport and energy infrastructure initiative involving the United States, European Union, India, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and other nations. It aims to connect India, the Middle East, and Europe through various means, including rail transport, shipping, electricity, telecommunications, and hydrogen.

Q: What are the key goals of the Imec initiative?

Answer: The Imec initiative aims to establish a reliable and cost-effective cross-border ship-to-rail transit network, supplement existing routes, and enable the laying of cable for electricity and digital connectivity. It also intends to facilitate clean hydrogen export through pipelines.

Q: Is the Imec initiative related to countering China’s Belt and Road project?

Answer: While the U.S. President, Joe Biden, stated that the Imec initiative is not intended to harm or assist China, it is likely to be seen as a response to China’s Belt and Road trade and infrastructure program.

Q: What impact did the Imec initiative announcement have on the expansion of the Brics group?

Answer: The announcement of the Imec initiative somewhat overshadowed the expansion of the Brics group, which now includes Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

Q: What is the plan for transporting hydrogen in the Imec initiative?

Answer: The plan involves laying pipelines for transporting clean hydrogen, but it’s worth noting that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are considering converting hydrogen to ammonia for export instead of using pipelines.

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