Governor Hochul Unveils Big Economic Development Awards, Fueling 13,000 Jobs and $375 Million Investments


governor hochul

Discover Governor Hochul’s economic development awards, propelling 13k jobs and $375 million in capital investments for a thriving future.

Hey there! Governor Kathy Hochul just spilled the beans on some super exciting news about making jobs and bringing in big bucks. The New York Power Authority Board of Trustees (fancy name, huh?) gave a thumbs up to 41 companies under the ReCharge NY program. These companies are getting a green light to spend over $371 million on cool projects, and guess what? It’s going to create nearly 13,000 jobs! Yep, you read that right, and 170 of those are brand spanking new jobs. Plus, they threw $595,000 at Whiting Door Manufacturing Corporation, a company in Erie County. That’s a lot of zeros!

Governor Hochul: Making Businesses Super Strong

Governor Hochul is all about using low-cost hydropower to get companies to spend loads of money in New York. They’re dishing out nearly nine megawatts of low-cost power to 41 companies all over the place like Capital District, North Country, Finger Lakes, and more.

Super Cool Projects

One of the winners of the ReCharge NY awards is the Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University. They’re getting a whopping 3.3 megawatts of power. That’s a lot of power, right? They’re splurging $338 million to fix up their place and keep 7,500 jobs going strong.

The NYPA board also said yes to giving Arvos Ljungstrom in Allegany County some power – 580 kilowatts to be exact. They’re throwing $12.5 million at this company that makes air preheater devices. It’s like the magic stuff in thermal power plants. They’re going to make more stuff for wind projects and keep almost 300 jobs going. That’s a win!

Making the State Super Rich

Empire State Development (ESD) is playing superhero by giving Arvos Ljungstrom up to $2.5 million in tax credits. In return, Arvos Ljungstrom promises to make 47 shiny new jobs. The ReCharge NY program is like a superhero too, making sure jobs stay put and money keeps flowing all over the state.

Whiting Door’s Big Plan

The NYPA Board of Trustees also threw $595,000 at Whiting Door Manufacturing Corporation. These guys make doors for trucks and stuff. They’re splashing almost $4 million to make more doors and create 25 new jobs. ESD is cheering them on with $500,000 in tax credits for making those new jobs happen.

Going Green and Growing

All these cool projects and money are coming from selling extra power made at the Niagara Power Project. It’s part of New York’s big plan to be super green. They want to have zero pollution from making electricity by 2040 and lots of renewable energy by 2030.

New York’s Green Heroics

New York is spending over $55 billion on clean energy stuff, like big renewable projects, making buildings cleaner, and using more solar power. It’s creating jobs – like over 165,000 in 2021, and solar jobs are going up like crazy since 2011. They’re even making rules for cars and trucks to be super clean by 2035. New York is also teaming up with communities to fight pollution and climate change.

So, in a nutshell, Governor Hochul and the New York Power Authority are making jobs, money, and a super green future for everyone. It’s like a cool superhero movie, but it’s happening in real life. If you want to know more, check out

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