2024 Exciting News: Re-X Before Recycling Prize $4.5M – Check Eligibility, Date and How to Apply | DOE Unleashes Big Prize to Boost Recycling and Sustainability!


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Re-X Before Recycling Prize

Join the Re-X Before Recycling Prize with $4.5M + 1.1M rewards. Check eligibility, application dates, and how to apply. DOE’s big move for recycling and sustainability!

Get this – Department of Energy giving away a whopping $4.5 million in cash prizes plus an extra $1.1 million for analysis consultation and tech help from national laboratories. Why? Because they want teams to come up with super cool ways to make stuff last longer by re-using, repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, or repurposing (“Re-X”) before even thinking about recycling.

Why U.S. Department of Energy Contest?

Jeff Marootian, the big shot from the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy crew, dropped some truth. He said the old way of digging stuff up, turning it into things, using those things, and then chucking them away is just not going to cut it in the long run. Sure, recycling is cool, but keeping things in play for longer can sometimes use less energy. That’s the puzzle they’re trying to crack with this prize – how to keep things going strong before they even need to think about hitting the recycling bin, and all in a way that gets communities pumped up.

Why should you care about U.S. Department of Energy Contest?

Well, these genius ideas could not only save energy and cut emissions but also make our clean energy technologies stronger. Plus, it could ease up on the demand for brand-new materials. That means less waste and more goodness for the planet. And here’s the kicker – these clever solutions might just spark new ways for communities and workers to get involved. It’s like hitting multiple birds with one stone – environment, diversity, equity, inclusion – all the good stuff. And guess what? It’s all in line with the big dream of the Biden-Harris gang – zero carbon emissions by 2050.

So, what’s the deal with this Department of Energy Re-X Before Recycling Prize? It’s a three-phase extravaganza!

Phase One: Identify! – Teams need to sniff out a game-changing idea that, if thrown into a new or expanded Re-X supply chain, could do wonders for the environment, the economy, and the community. They’ve got to sketch out a plan to take that idea from just being an idea to making it happen in a real Re-X supply chain.

Phase Two: Prepare! – This is where the contestants, old and new, fine-tune their plans for making their ideas happen. They’re encouraged to rope in pals and mentors to help kick their innovations into high gear.

Phase Three: Develop! – The winners from phase two get to strut their stuff in the final showdown. They’ve got to show they’re making big strides in bringing their ideas to life in a real Re-X supply chain. And, of course, they’ve got to convince everyone that their project is worth keeping alive even after the prize show is over.

Here’s the juicy part – if you’re itching to get in on the action, you better hustle.

  • Applications for phase one close on March 12, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. EST.
  • The DOE is ready to pick up to 20 winning projects in this first phase, with each winner scoring $50,000 in cash and up to $5,000 for some brainy analysis help from DOE National Laboratories.

Eligibility Breakdown for Phase 1: Identify!

Wondering if you’re eligible to dive into the Re-X Before Recycling Prize madness? Here’s the lowdown for Phase 1: Identify!:

  1. Individuals and Teams: Yep, you’re in! Whether you’re a lone wolf or a dynamic duo, you’re eligible to jump into the fray.
  2. Private Entities: For-profits and nonprofits alike, come one, come all! If you’re a private entity with a knack for innovative thinking, this is your chance to shine.
  3. Nonfederal Government Entities: States, counties, tribes, municipalities, and academic institutions – you’re invited too! If you’re in the business of making things happen on a government level, this prize is calling your name.

Now, for the nitty-gritty details:

  • Submission Limit: Everyone gets a shot, but let’s keep it reasonable. You can throw in a maximum of two submissions. If you’re feeling extra inspired and submit more than two, we’ll only consider the two most recent ones. Keep it fresh!
  • Advancement to Phase 2: Exciting news – if you’re selected, only one of your submissions gets to move on to the next stage, Phase 2: Prepare! It’s like a golden ticket, but for innovators.
  • Partnership Fun: You can team up on multiple submissions, but here’s the catch – you can only be the big boss (lead competitor) on one funded submission. We’re spreading the love, and the cash prize goes to the lead competitor as mentioned in the submission if they clinch the win.

So, there you have it – your golden ticket to Phase 1: Identify! Get those thinking caps on, because the Re-X Before Recycling Prize is open to a diverse crew of individuals, teams, private entities, and nonfederal government entities. Time to show us what you’ve got!

Important Dates of U.S. Department of Energy Re-X Before Recycling Prize

Phase 1 Submission Starting Date 27 November 2023
Phase 1 Submission Closes12 March 2024
Phase 1 Selections Announced  April 2024 (anticipated)
Phase 2 Starting Date  April 2024 (anticipated)
Re-X Before Recycling Prize Date Annocement

And for all you curious minds, there are two webinars coming up on December 14, 2023, and January 17, 2024, both at 1:00 p.m. EST.

This Department of Energy Re-X Before Recycling Prize is the brainchild of DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO), with a little help from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). If you want the nitty-gritty details, head over to the Re-X Before Recycling Prize page on the American-Made Challenges website. It’s where the magic happens!

Find out more information about Re-X Before Recycling Prize Contest.

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